Managing the MagneTag Network

The MagneTag system runs on TCP/IP.

On-Premises Hub

In a on-premises scenario, there’s a dedicated wireless network for the MagneTag system. There’s a router for the network and, optionally, a bridge device that connects that router to the public-facing internet. The devices on the network include:

  • MagneTag Hub PC
  • Armor vests
  • Credit/pulse devices (coin-op, card-swipe, etc.)
  • Display PCs

Cloud Hub

When using a cloud hub, there is no dedicated network for MagneTag. All the devices use existing networks on-site, and all connect to a cloud-based hub.

Firewall and Ports

MagneTag devics need to be able to interact through the ports listed below:

  • UDP 4701: The hub listens for devices on UDP 4701. Each device opens a single UDP port, usually in the 4710-4730 range.
  • TCP 4702: The hub exposes this port for display clients. Transport on this port is always encrypted with TLS.
  • TCP 4703: The display client is served on this port. The hub runs a web server on this port, and traffic is encrypted with TLS.
  • TCP 4704: The hub runs an HTTP web server on this port that contains software updates. This is just used when performing over-the-air firmware updates on devices.